whatsapp business api whatsapp business api

WhatsApp Business API: understand how the tool works

Por Thamara Araujo

12 janeiro 2021 - 14:05 | Atualizado em 23 junho 2021 - 14:08

The entrepreneur market is increasingly seeking to specialize and be closer to Brazilian consumers. The sales channels are ways of maintaining these relations, especially when it comes to an app or social network highly regarded by the users. With this in mind, the WhatsApp Business API was created in 2018.

Hey, businessperson, do you know this tool? Understand this new form of the messaging app WhatsApp, how to use it to benefit your business, and implement it in your company. See also the link between this new market trend with chatbots and AI (Artificial Intelligence).

Interested in the subject? Keep on and join us! Have a nice reading!


What is WhatsApp Business API?

The WhatsApp Business API tool was developed by Facebook and launched in August 2018. It is an app dedicated to automatizing customer attendance with a setting that supports chatbot platforms to perform this service.

Until then, the app only gave the company the option to create a commercial profile (Business) that manually served customers who contacted them. This is also interesting but may cause overload in case there is a significant number of contacts.

That’s why the service automatization process was a major change in the tool, attracting many businesspeople who need help in their companies’ communication channels.


How to use this tool to benefit my business?

But after all, how is it possible to use this app to benefit businesses? WhatsApp Business API has come with a purpose: to change the attendance process of a venture to communication via chatbots set up by AI.

This process makes it possible to speed up the company service and reduce customer wait time in other communication channels such as telephone, e-mail, and alike. This app can be an excellent solution for medium and large-sized businesses when linked to an automation platform.

Besides, those who opt for this tool also invest in optimizing the internal logistics of a company, as the machine intermediates the attendance service (reducing the overload of many employees) and allows employees to work in areas requiring more human endeavor.


Centralized and omnichannel service

We have a fascinating survey for businesspeople willing to adopt WhatsApp Business API: 99% of Brazilian smartphones use WhatsApp for communicating via texts and audio messages.

This percentage shows it is crucial to invest in service via app, omnichannel-oriented, since a company’s communication channels need to bond with consumers for them to feel attracted to the product or service.

When we are primarily speaking of WhatsApp, this is even more important! As figures show extensive use of the app, the company must acknowledge the need to participate in this world and bond with the users. The more immersed the businessperson is, the greater are their chances of concluding purchases.


Benefits of WhatsApp Business API

So far, we have already understood what this tool is and how it can benefit your business in the market. Therefore, we also need to gather the main benefits of WhatsApp Business API that go beyond an optimized service for a company’s consumers.

Although many people can only see this aspect, it is crucial to emphasize that communication automation simplifies many internal processes and can even result in cost savings.

So, we listed below some other benefits you may count on by adopting this service with a chatbot platform:

  • Reduction of work overload for employees responsible for attendance;
  • Reduction of costs with an autonomous tool;
  • Proximity with users due to the app’s reputation;
  • Creation of a new communication channel.


How to implement WhatsApp Business API?

A frequent question among businesspeople interested in adopting this tool is its implementation in the company and communication channels. Unlike one might think, WhatsApp Business API does not work alone!

At first, it is necessary to download the app and request the use of this feature. Not every venture can use it, only the ones accepted by the multinational corporation through an internal assessment.

Once the use of WhatsApp Business API is approved, it is necessary to seek a platform that works with automation and the chatbot feature.


Integration with AI

For the tool to work, it needs to be integrated with chatbots developed through Artificial Intelligence. The app does not perform this role by itself, so implementing a platform and associating it to the WhatsApp Business API tool is needed.

Several companies are offering this service in the market, such as Cedro Technologies. With PEOPLE solution, you get the chatbot attendance automation and the cost reduction with human capital and an omnichannel communication platform.

For that reason, if you are willing to adopt this attendance tool in your company, count on Cedro Technologies and have on your side IT solutions that change the game.

We serve more than one million users monthly, as well as big companies rely on us. To learn more about it, get in contact with us right now!

If you are thinking about adopting WhatsApp Business API, you need to understand this service is primarily ideal for medium and large-sized companies that need optimization of their attendance methods and improved communication with their consumers.

If you liked the topic and want to know more about automatization, chatbots, and other topics, read more on our blog!

Por Thamara Araujo

12 janeiro 2021 - 14:05 | Atualizado em 23 junho 2021 - 14:08

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